明愛樂恩學校 Caritas Mother Teresa School



        本著基督精神及天主教倫理道德價值,香港明愛教育服務秉持「以愛服務 ⋅ 締造希望」的信念,履行「扶助弱勢社群、發展人的才能、致力溝通和解及建立回饋精神」的使命,提供以終身學習、綜合全人教育及公平機會為基礎的優質教育,讓我們的學生,縱使有些來自社會上最末後無靠(the Last)、最卑微無助(the Least)及最失落無救(the Lost)的一群,轉化成充滿愛心(Loving)、主動學習(Learning)及具備領導才能(Leading)的人,一展所長,貢獻社會。

Education Services Division

Grounded in the spirit of Christ and Catholic moral values, the education services of Caritas – Hong Kong uphold the core belief of “Love in the Service of Hope” in discharging the mission of:

  • Helping the underprivileged and the vulnerable;
  • Encouraging people to actualize their potential;
  • Promoting mutual understanding and reconciliation; and
  • Nurturing the spirit of giving back to the community.

The goal of our services is to provide a quality education embracing lifelong learning, integral human development and equal opportunities for students, to enable and empower them, even the Last, the Least and the Lost, to turn into the Loving, the Learning and the Leading, developing their capabilities, to serve the community.



Objectives of Special Education

Witnessing the love of Jesus Christ and holding the student-centred principle, the Special Education Service provides professional and quality services for students with special educational needs through life-wide learning and rehabilitation programmes.  We place emphasis on closer school-home collaboration in realizing students’ multiple intelligences and facilitating their physical, mental and spiritual growth.  We are committed to helping students form their character and cultivate a spirit of civic responsibility for whole-person development, thereby, enabling them to lead a quality life with dignity.  We also strive to rally community support for promoting love and care for all in our society.